Renewal of the LIA-MONOCL

The signing ceremony for agreements of the renewal of the LIA-MONOCL was held in Beijing in 29th May, 2015. Delegates from the CNRS (Patrick NEDELLEC, Director of the International Division), IGG-CAS (Director Professor ZHU Rixiang), IAP-CAS (Director Professor ZHU Jiang) signed the agreement.

The LIA-MONOCL was launched in 2011 with the official document signed in 2012 to understand and quantify the fundamental processes of monsoon, the role plaid by the ocean and the oceanic circulation, and includes four French Institutes (LSCE-CNRS, CEA, UVSQ and UP Sud 11) and two Chinese Institutes (IGG-CAS, TJU-SKLMS). The present agreement was signed to renew the LIA-MONOCL for the next four years (2015-2019). Two French Laboratories (LSCE-CNRS and GEOPS) and three Chinese Laboratories (IGG-CAS, IAP-CAS and TJU-SKLMG) are involved in the new LIA-MONOCL. In the present agreement, Mrs KISSEL Catherine (LSCE) and Mr ZHU Rixiang (IGG-CAS) serve as the French and Chinese scientific coordinators, respectively.

Following the activities and progresses of the LIA-MONOCL during its first 2011-2014 phase, the LIA-MONOCL will keep going on this efficient international collaboration and perform more experimental studies and numerical simulations to better understand